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LIMA N scale

Date: 19/12/2016

By: Thomas (Web Site Builder)

Subject: The answer for Sebastian

Hi Sebastian.
Thank you very much for your evaluation. That makes me very happy. Sincerely Thomas.

Date: 20/08/2016

By: Sebastian

Subject: Thank you!

Just wanted to say thank you for having set up this website and sharing your impressive collection of Lima-related info. It is truly a great resource for research on this somewhat obscure manufacturer. Keep up the good work!

Date: 16/02/2016

By: Jonas Schmidt

Subject: Train from sweden

I would like to bay from you all the swidish Train and the cargo and passenger train in scale n

Date: 14/04/2015

By: Renato

Subject: Foto / photos

Date: 13/04/2015

By: Renato

Subject: Digital Oblivion.

Ad evitare il pericolo in oggetto, trasferire il tutto su un dominio di II livello, che costa meno di euro 26,00 anno!

Date: 21/09/2014

By: matt

Subject: Lima N

Is someone interested by 220201a and 320301a

Date: 22/09/2014

By: Tom

Subject: Re: Lima N

Hi Matt
Please - contact e-mail:
I have a few questions.
Thank you Tom

Date: 19/08/2014

By: David

Subject: Work on a CHEAP engine first!

Get some Tyco or Bachmann cheap shite first and work on that! Get it as smooth and quiet as you can and then work on good stuff. Steamers are the hardest, with all the johnson bar action and alignment on top of the electrical.

Date: 02/03/2014

By: joseph

Subject: not working br train

i bought a br green diesel from a dealer and it worked for one lap of my small n gauge layout and when i stopped it it started to smoke and i cant get it to move

Date: 19/08/2014

By: David

Subject: Re: not working br train

I had same issues with some Fleischmanns I got off Ebay. Run a sewing needle between the commutator plates of the motor and that will resolve it. OR you can burn off that oil/shavings whatever is in there. Pull the motor and run it at full bore off your throttle pack and spritz that sucker with WD-40 a few times. It's generally a piece if copper off the plate that is wedged in there and causing a short. You should also use a pencil eraser on the commutator copper to get it as clean as possible and check the brushes/springs to see you've got comm. contact in the first place. Good Luck

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